Saturday, February 27, 2010

2010 previews.

During this hectic week between working my 10pm to 7am hotel job, blowing my transmission in my car going back and forth between the printers, and finding time to sleep. I found myself stuck without a set time for a photoshoot for the new releases. having everyone that was going to be in the shoot be winners from the contest held last month. it was difficult. alot of people could not make it out, due to weather or some other reason. or being blown off twice for actually setting up the shoot. I met up with Liz to do shots of the new line, and then followed that up with some pizza. So thanks Liz for bearing with constant time changes, location changes and everything else.

So here is the previews and some backview.


the true to your roots tee is inspired by pretty much everything that The Free Idea name stands for. To never forget where you came from. If its your City, State, your music backround, or your lifestyle in general. I grew up with a deep love for the raw Punk and true Hardcore music scene that was the heart of Central MA which blended with my love of skateboarding and my loyalty to the state of Massachusetts. This tee is dedicated to Those kids who kept local Shows going hard in central MA, and to the Bands who kept there sound when the whole hardcore or now "hxc" started becoming more if an image than a movement. And nobody supports local shit as much as the 978.


The "FREE" tee as you can tell is inspired by the Famous OBEY image of Andre the Giant made famous in the 90's by Shep's street art and propaganda. this style has been commonly repeated using different faces, so for free idea we switched it up with a full image. This is possibly one of my favorite designs to date, with the use of the white black and red print on a forest green.

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Fitchburg, Massachusetts
A 21 year old clothing designer/ streetwear enthusiast out of central Massachusetts.