Thursday, November 5, 2009

join the system or start from scratch? ..i think i will start from scratch.

If you have not picked up on it in the past 2 months, Free Idea has been gone. Yup gone! as in not keeping much updates with blogging, very minimal post on the myspace page, and very rarely posting on twitter or even updating the facebook page.
I have just been sitting back and watching other lines, seeing what they do how they run. how they stay as a whole, some of them are doing it legit, some are doing it under the table. in the big take of this I figured out what i actually want to do with Free Idea,
for a while i was just coming out with t shirts, and it felt like thats all i wanted to do. but after sitting back and watching everyone else. If you want to make it in this. you have to step it up more. After all of it, i came to the conclusion that i do NOT want to just be a t shirt line, i want to build free idea into a full brand.

...and i could not be happier about this decision.

With the 10th installment of the Free Idea brand. the line is going to have some new items added

1 new tee design
1 hat
1 cardigan
each of these items will be perfectly matched up in color so if desired you can wear them all as 1 outfit.

and everyone loves matching up there clothes.!

release is set in 2 1/2 weeks

you will be able to view the winter line before it releases on the blog, as well as about 15-20 other blogging sites.

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Fitchburg, Massachusetts
A 21 year old clothing designer/ streetwear enthusiast out of central Massachusetts.